I've installed Sugar and the man behind me seems happy! Job done :OD


-----Original Message-----
From: Rey Bango
Sent: 30 January 2008 15:21
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF-Based CRMs?

Thanks for the replies gents. Like Adrian, I was interested in a
CF-based CRM in case I wanted to update one but SugarCRM is on my short

I did receive an offlist email from Marius Milosav of ScorpioSoft Corp.
(http://www.scorpiosoft.com/) and will see if their CRM matches my needs.


Kevin Aebig wrote:
> SalesForce.com is good, but if you want basically the same thing, than
> SugerCRM is extremely close...
> !k
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Childress
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:53 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CF-Based CRMs?
> I've seen some people using the SalesForce.com API along with Flex
> and/or CF with a certain amount of success.  Lets you leverage
> SalesForce's features and customize your front as you like.  For that
> matter I would just look at SalesForce as a solution by itself, no code
> required, if you haven't already.
> -Cameron
> Adrian Lynch wrote:
>> Cheers Mike. We've got our wires crossed a bit. I(and Rey) were asking
> about
>> CRMs, not CMSs.
>> I would nearly always want to do my own for the reasons you've given. But
>> the man sat behind me wants one now and I don't have time :OD

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