Mark, that's awesome, thanks!

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Gaulin, Mark <> wrote:
> Hi
> I've seen a similar regular "burp" in SQL server performance every
> fifteen minutes or so on our servers too. I thought it might be related
> to maintaining the transaction log but I was never able to prove it.
> I have some notes on using SQL Profiler that I wrote for an internal
> information sharing session; here it is (below), pasted from Word, so
> sorry about the formatting.  The "general tips" are probably worth
> reading if you haven't using SQL Profiler before.
> Thanks
>        Mark
> Intro to SQL Profiler
> 11/1/06
> Basics of SQL Profiler  1
> Creating a Trace        1
> General Tab     2
> Events Tab      3
> Data Columns Tab        4
> Filters Tab     6
> Running the Trace       7
> Other Things    8
> Basics of SQL Profiler
> SQL Server Profiler sees all SQL Server queries running on the SQL
> Server. This allows you to see exactly what T-SQL statements are
> submitted to the server and how the server accesses the database to
> return result sets.
> Using SQL Server Profiler, you can do the following:
> *       Create a trace that is based on a reusable template
> *       Watch the trace results as the trace runs
> *       Store the trace results in a table
> *       Start, stop, pause, and modify the trace results as necessary
> *       Replay the trace results
> *       Monitor only the events in which you are interested
> With the SQL profile you can see the SQL being generated by any program,
> even ones you don't have source code for or are not running in a
> debugger.
> Simply remembering that you don't have to open a program in a debugger,
> set a breakpoint, and then get the program to execute a routine just to
> see the SQL it would produce can save you some time, plus you can watch
> it all happen on a live database.
> A properly set-up trace will let you find slow queries and determine if
> the query itself is slow or if the problem is some other query running
> at the same time.
> Profiling does add overhead to the SQL Server, so don't go crazy with
> events to monitor or leave a trace running for a very long time.  (I
> have had traces running on the live site overnight or over a weekend to
> find a problem that was crashing the site. You do what you have to do.)
> Creating a Trace
> SQL Profiler is installed with the rest of the SQL Tools, and you'll
> find it in the "Microsoft SQL Server" program group.   Here's a really
> quick way to get a trace going:
> *       Start the Profiler
> *       Do File/New/Trace
> *       Pick the SQL Server to connect to
> *       Next you'll see the Trace Properties dialog. Just hit the Run
> button
> *       You are now watching live queries running on the target SQL
> Server!
> You'll want to learn how to use the Trace Properties settings to make it
> easier to find what you are looking for, so I'll describe each tab in
> the Trace Properties dialog.
> General Tab
> The general tab lets you pick/change the SQL Server to connect to and
> the "trace template" to use.  Trace templates are just the saved
> settings from the Trace Properties dialog.  There are several standard
> ones and you can make your own.  (I have some saved on the live site for
> different debugging scenarios.)
> *       Setting a "stop time" might be useful if you want to capture a
> lot of data but not "too much" data.  You can also use it in conjunction
> with a "Start Time" filter to capture, say, all events between 2 am and
> 3 am.
> *       I've never used the "save to table" option, but it does what it
> says... saving all traced rows to a database table so you can look at
> them later.
> Events Tab
> An event is an action generated on a SQL Server:
> *       Login connections, failures, and disconnections.
> *       Transact-SQL SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
> *       Remote procedure call (RPC) batch status.
> *       The start or end of a stored procedure.
> *       The start or end of statements within stored procedures.
> *       The start or end of an SQL batch.
> *       An error written to the SQL Server error log.
> *       A lock acquired or released on a database object.
> *       An opened cursor.
> *       Security permission checks.
> *       "Performance events" include execution plans
> All of the data generated by an event is displayed in the trace in a
> single row.  I find that the default events (shown below) are usually
> more than I need, so I often remove the Security Audit and Sessions
> events, leaving just the two "Completed" events.
> Data Columns Tab
> This is where you pick the information to display for each event in the
> trace. The default columns (partially show below) are not too bad, but I
> usually need to change them. Selecting the right data columns to display
> can take some trial and error.
> General tips:
> *       You'll always want "Text Data"... that's the SQL statement
> itself.
> *       You can't remove the "Event Class" column, so I often move it to
> the end of the list with the Up/Down buttons
> If you are interested in performance then I suggest including these
> columns:
> *       Duration, CPU, Reads, Writes
>        o       These numeric fields are key to spotting slow queries
> *       Start Time, End Time
>        o       Start time is included by default, but including End
> time makes it possible to spot queries that were backed up behind
> another query (they all have the same end time, for example)
> If you need to know who or what is running the queries then you might
> want to include these columns:
> *       Application Name, Host name, Login name, NT User name
>        o       Not all fields will be filled in, but between these you
> can get a good idea of what user/computer and program (or CF vs. Java
> vs. .Net vs. Access vs. SQL scheduled task) is generating the query
> *       Database ID
>        o       I've never found Database name to be set, but Database
> ID always is, so I often include this column just so I can get the ID of
> the database I want to filter on, and then I remove it.
> You can define "groups" of columns by putting the data columns in the
> special "Groups" section.
> *       One or more data columns define the grouping
> *       Each trace statement is sorted into the proper group
>        o       SQL 7 and SQL 2005 show groups in a nice
> expanding/collapsing tree-view style format, but SQL 2000 does not (even
> though help mentions it). I miss this feature.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Root []
> Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 12:39 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: JVM Tuning and Garbage Collection
> Eventually I'm going to want to solve these spikes.. I think SQL
> Profiler might help me figure stuff out but also having Cacti installed
> and monitoring network and disk and cpu activity more accurately than
> the task manager might help me debug some things to.
> So, my server is experience fairly rhthmic request activity spikes where
> for 10 seconds or so, fusion reactor shows a whole bunch of active
> requests... while I'm normally cruising along at 5-10 requests per
> second, I'll suddenly get 20 active requests and FR will queue new
> requests.
> So far I've been unable to figure out what's going on.
> But one interesting thing I just noted while comparing my request
> activity, jdbc activity, cpu and memory graphs....
> I had one of these spikes at 11:55 today... my active requests spiked to
> 20 for about 20 seconds, while competed requests dropped down to 0 per
> second for a good 10 seconds.
> at the same time, JDBC activity dropped to 1 active request and 0
> completed requests per second for about 15 seconds.  The normal is 30-50
> completed JDBC queries per second.
> the memory graph shows nothing unusual.
> The CPU graph shows the overall and instance cpu dropping to almost
> nothing.
> Which strikes me as a little odd.. I mean, let's say there is some
> application.cfm code that uses an exclusive named lock, and it includes
> a query that hits the database.  If that query, for some reason, ran for
> 15 seconds (god forbid), I could understand this happening.. all the
> other requests would have to sit and wait for the lock to be released,
> and it woudl explain why only one query was running
> Unless it *IS* the database, in which case the lock would hang up on all
> three instances at the same time
> But the thing is... it's rhythmic... but not so rhythmic it can be
> attributed to some kind of scheduled task on the database server...
> but it is relative to system activity.. ie, the busier the site is, the
> more often these spikes occur.
> So I'm thinking.. MAYBE SQL Server is doing something that's causing it
> to slow down for 15 seconds ..
> but it's not going along with any kind of database maintenance,
> scheduled tasks or scheduled backups, etc...
> OTHER Than my already intended plans of using SQL Profiler to do some
> more SQL monitoring... and cacti to monitor the servers via SNMP ...
> are there any other suggestions?
> Rick

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