On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Larry Soo <l...@bc4x4.com> wrote:
> So would I be correct in assuming that
> the problem I'm having is that the default schema for "dbo" is "master"
> instead of "canadianofficespacecom"?

I believe so, yes. In order to resolve this from the user side of
things you're going to need to connect as a different user, as you
will not be able to change the default schema of the "sa" user, as
noted here:


"The value of DEFAULT_SCHEMA is ignored if the user is a member of the
sysadmin fixed server role. All members of the sysadmin fixed server
role have a default schema of dbo."

So I would suggest creating a "canadianofficespacecom" login to
correspond to the "canadianofficespacecom" user in your DB, and then
executing the following T-SQL script:

USE canadianofficespace;
ALTER USER canadianofficespacecom WITH LOGIN = canadianofficespacecom,
DEFAULT_SCHEMA = canadianofficespacecom;

(As a side note, I had thought you could change the default schema in
the GUI interface, but after trying it out it appears I was mistaken
about this -- sorry for the misinformation there.)

If this runs successfully, then change the DSN to connect with the new
user name and password and you should be good to go.

The alternative option would be to change the schema for the tables to
"dbo", but if it were me I would prefer changing users anyway in order
to avoid connecting as "sa".

Please post back if you run into any problems.

Ezra Parker

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