You are being a jerk Phillip.  I'm talking about one of the world's
largest and most sophisticated cities.   The largest city in a very
advanced economy.  And in this city of nearly 5 million people there
are apparently 4 jobs for people involving ColdFusion, and of those,
only 2 actually want any ColdFusion programming.

If I was Adobe's CEO I'd be reading the riot act about it.

This is how it's been for over a year,  in a country that DID NOT go
into recession.

I'm not complaining because I cant have the perfect job in the perfect
place and I'm not going to accept anything less.  That's insulting.

I'm not sitting idly waiting for money to fall into my hands.   That's
insulting too.

And how dare you presume to decide for me that I should uproot my
family, kids, sell my house, move my businesses,  find help for my
disabled wife,  when you havent got a clue about my personal
situation.  Life's all very easy when you dont have to worry about
little details like that - when it's not YOUR family you are tipping
upside down.

Dont be a jerk.  Actually READ what i'm saying or shut the hell up.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Phillip Vector
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 5:17 AM, Mike Kear <> wrote:
>> Interesting, John.   Actually of those 32 jobs om Australia,   4 are
>> in Sydney, the biggest city in the country,
> So go to the 28 other jobs and explain to them why telecommuting would
> be good for their company and expand your pool.
> Either that or move if the job market is that bad out there.
> Sorry if I offend, but it seems that you want the perfect job in the
> perfect place and it isn't working out. So instead of you doing
> something about it, you are claiming that no one wants CF developers
> anymor

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