On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 6:06 AM, Mike Kear <afpwebwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You are being a jerk Phillip.

Sorry I come across that way. It isn't my intent. If you wish to
consider me a jerk and that makes you feel better, then feel free.

>  I'm talking about one of the world's
> largest and most sophisticated cities.   The largest city in a very
> advanced economy.  And in this city of nearly 5 million people there
> are apparently 4 jobs for people involving ColdFusion, and of those,
> only 2 actually want any ColdFusion programming.

Actually, according to the world atlas..
73. Sydney, Australia - 3,665,000

As for the 2 jobs, are you really locked into only working in Sydney?
Is telecommuting a difficult thing for you to do?

> This is how it's been for over a year,  in a country that DID NOT go
> into recession.

Actually, it did.


True, it didn't hit you guys as hard as the rest of the world..

Australia's forecast -0.2pc growth this year is not as dire as the US
(-1.6pc), Europe (-2pc), the UK (-2.8 pc) and Japan (-2.6pc).

But it still had one and that is probably a factor (note that I didn't
say cause, but a factor) in the less then stellar job market.

> I'm not complaining because I cant have the perfect job in the perfect
> place and I'm not going to accept anything less.  That's insulting.

Well, that is how it appears to me. My mistake.

> I'm not sitting idly waiting for money to fall into my hands.   That's
> insulting too.

Never said you were. Please do not mis-state what I am saying.

> And how dare you presume to decide for me that I should uproot my
> family, kids, sell my house, move my businesses,  find help for my
> disabled wife,  when you havent got a clue about my personal
> situation.  Life's all very easy when you dont have to worry about
> little details like that - when it's not YOUR family you are tipping
> upside down.

If I didn't have a job, I would move me and my family to get one. But
you seem to be forgetting about the telecommuting option I mentioned.
Do you usually focus on the worst solution only?

> Dont be a jerk.  Actually READ what i'm saying or shut the hell up.

I read it. I'm giving my opinion on what I read. I'm done.

> Cheers

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