I guess all you want is to make on croissant and you have to buy a whole bag of 

Then again, you might want to make pizza later on or maybe some tasty bread! 

Oh dear, this analogy has made me hungry. 

It reminds me EXACTLY of the Frameworks arguments that always crop up. 


On 20 May 2011, at 18:24, Michael Grant wrote:

> I'm capable. You're capable. Most of us are capable. I just don't see a
> point to it. I'm also capable of grinding my own flour, but why bother when
> I can just buy a bag?
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:34 PM, <> wrote:
>>>> That's an interesting anecdote, however I don't see how it relates to
>> the
>> topic at hand.
>> It does in the sense "If you are capable of developing your own tools, it
>> could be a better and more efficient solution."
>> If you're not, then use some other's.

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