Michael, I'm still using my Radio Shack Color Computer with 4K of RAM,
an audio cassette tape for data storage and no monitor,
which cost me $525 in 1982.

Perhaps I would be more productive if I upgraded to 16K of RAM? :o)

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Grant [mailto:mgr...@modus.bz] 
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 12:02 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

That's an interesting anecdote, however I don't see how it relates to the
topic at hand.

When I build new apps I don't use my old pre jQuery codebase anymore. I've
updated to use jQuery (or equiv). Why? Because it's more flexible,
upgradeable, backward compatible and scalable. And for me that's enough.

I also no longer use my Commodore 64 or wear acid washed jeans.

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:31 AM, <> wrote:

>  >>Why reinvent the wheel over and over
> Please explain why writing code BEFORE the equivalent exists in some open
> source library is REinventing the wheel.
> Example:
> When I first looked for a good online editor I could find no one able to
> clean up MS Word crap.
> So I designed my own, about 10 years ago.
> Then came FCKeditor. It has a MSWord paste function, but it was optional
> and must be selected by the user.
> C'mon which user will do it and even know that MSWord code needs to be
> "cleaned"?
> So Why should I switch for FCKEditor?
> By the time, I had developped a way styles could be selected in the editor
> using clear natural language names instead of class names. FCK editor
> have it, so I kept my own editor.
> Now FCK editor offers the same possibility, but still no way to force
> MSWord clean up transparently on every cut'n paste operation.
> At least it didn't the last time I had a look at it.
> So I'm still using my own online editor, and I'm still 100% happy with it.
> Ah, and last but not the least, my editor is 100% integrated in my CMS ie:
> it can generate links to internal pages of the user's site by names of
> logical elements instead of having to cut'n paste the actual url.
> Again, this functionality may exists in some more recent stuff, but I
> spend all my time looking for something that will do the same thing I've
> been using for years and I'm happy with.

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