I wanted to circle back and thank everyone who helped me on this thread.

I did as Nathan described below, and it was immediately clear that the
cfinvoke posts were not going out.  After some painful troubleshooting and
using a lot of very bad words, I figured out why.

When using cfinvoke, you must pass ALL arguments specified in the wsdl --
even though they are not required by the service.

I swear, I looked at the cf9 docs a bunch of times and never saw that!

The good news is that you can pass unneeded arguments with omit=yes so you
don't have to set their values. But how crazy is that?  You are required to
pass all arguments just so you can tell cfinvoke to omit them!

In the end it all worked out, but what a pain in the arse!


On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Nathan Mische <nmis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, May 24, 2011, Robert Rhodes <rrhode...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I don't need to monitor between my computer and the application server.
>  I
> > need to monitor between the application server and a remote server across
> > the web that hosts the web service.
> Adding the proxyserver and proxyport attributes to you cfinvoke call
> will proxy the request from the application server to the remote
> server through your local instance of Charles, allowing you to see the
> traffic.
> To simply things you may want to install Charles on your development
> server. Then you can set cfinvoke's proxyserver attribute to
> and the proxyport to 8888. If using SSL you will still need to
> configure the remote server in Charles and add the Chalres CA to
> ColdFusion key store.
> > I have no control over the remote
> > server and the folks that do are only marginally helpful.  Worse, they
> are
> > taking the position that this is a Coldfusion problem.  All very
> > frustrating.
> >
> It can be a bit tricky to craft SOAP requests from CF, particularly if
> the remote service expects complex input. You may want to check out my
> chapter on web services and complex types in the ColdFusion Anthology,
> available on Google books: http://bit.ly/cfwebservices
> --Na

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