Pretty good comparison. May be a little git bias, but I think it hits the
major points on the head.

My personal reason for switching to git were 2 fold. Our code base is
ridiculous and svn was getting extremely slow, especially things like fresh
checkouts, and but even decent size checking were getting sketchy.  We also
had a larger number of people working from home occasionally and not having
to be connected to svn was a plus.

Remember to think about where your team will be a year or two down the
line. You may all work in the same office now but might that change where
git's distributed qualities may be of benefit?

On the other hand I agree svn is a simple solution.

Good luck.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect
On Jan 30, 2013 8:19 AM, "Andrew Scott" <> wrote:

> Michael,
> First you need to switch to developers running ColdFusion on their
> machines, there is no way in hell that you can be effective with any Source
> Control with that scenario. Then you need to use something like Subversive
> which I believe is the better one, although a lot of people on here swear
> by subclipse.
> In answer to your last problem, you need to add the project to the source
> control, until you do that you have nothing to work with. If you are
> working on local development machines, there is absolutely no need to lock
> any files, locking files is used only to stop developers from modifying the
> file if working on the same development server. And I seriously would
> recommend that you switch to local developer machines.
> The headaches of locking files is not who Subversion works, and causes all
> sorts of problems down the track. For example you stop productivity when
> two developers HAVE to work on the same file, and then you have more issues
> trying to get the developer to commit the changes and they will be
> committing everyone else's changes as well.
> And you won't to avoid that altogether.
> Lastly, you're better of with collabNet SVN it is easy to setup and use.
> Now I wouldn't recommend going the GIT route like others have suggested,
> distributed source control is good but if you are not working in a
> controlled environment then you don't need to add the complexity of this to
> your company. It is good for open source authors, but is not the best
> solution for closed development teams. And it has a stepper learning curve
> than SVN in my opinion.
> You have a lot of choices to make, and changes to be made. Then the old
> development server can be turned into a testing server where ALL tests can
> be conducted with the current release, but all developers should work with
> there own development version of ColdFusion and development copy of the
> code.
> --
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
> WebSite:
> Google+:
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Michael Christensen <
> >wrote:
> >
> > Hi all!
> >
> > At my company we're once again talking about setting up source control
> for
> > our CF.
> >
> > I've been googling and reading for quite a while now and so far I've
> > gathered, that we first of all need a SVN server of some sort on a
> central
> > server, so that the entire team can access it.
> > I've looked at VisualSVN Server and managed to install it and even add a
> > repository.
> >
> > But now I am getting into problems, which I am hoping someone here might
> > be able to help me solve;
> >
> > Problem 1: We naturally already have a whole bunch of code that we'd like
> > to put into our repository - but I can't figure out how to do that.
> > Is this where I need something like TortoiseSVN? And if so, how do I
> > structure my repository?
> >
> > Problem 2: We don't use a setup where each developer runs a local copy of
> > the code, instead we all run the code on a single develoment server,
> > accessing the code-files via a webpath (\\server\project\file.cfm)
> > So instead of checking the file out to a local copy, I'd like to use a
> > "exclusive-lock-in-place" sort of thing - is this possible?
> >
> > Problem 3: I am trying to use the Subclipse plugin, but I simply can't
> > figure it out.
> > Does anyone know of a "how to use Subclipse for dummies" tutorial?
> >
> > Problem 4: Is it possible to auto-lock/check out files in Eclipse as soon
> > as they are opened by a developer? (versus manually selecting to lock the
> > opens a file? Or how does one go about ensuring that no two developers
> can
> > change a file at the same time (referring to problem 2)?
> >
> > As you can tell, I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment, so any and all
> > feedback is appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks a bunch!
> >

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