Sorry Wil, yeah. I guess I should have anticipated the way it would have
gone after I mentioned I thought Git might be a better starting point.

I only addressed that and the "shared dev server" point because I wanted to
see if Git was an option before helping with the other - SVN-specific -
questions. I did feel slightly guilty about offering only a partial answer,
but that was just an intended starting point.

My point of suggesting Github is because it's probably easier than setting
up either SVN *or* Git, and the management is taken care of for you. This
seemed particularly relevant given what the OP had said.  Also if one
ignores the specific vagaries of various people's opinions on what's hard
or easy about both, basic source control processes are as easy on one as on
the other. I think Git might go a bit further as far as "total
functionality" goes, but to be honest I don't know. And it's not likely to
be relevant to the OP for quite a while either.

What I was really meaning to do is to just make a suggestion that Git might
be another option, and - just IMO now - the one more likely to be the
mainstream option in five years time. I would predict that SVN might have
gone the way of CVS by then.  And I say this as someone who has used SVN
for over ten years and think it's excellent. SVN arose from looking at
CVS's shortcomings and addressing them: I see Git as having done the same
thing with SVN. That said... both are fine.


On 30 January 2013 16:19, Wil Genovese <> wrote:

> and for the most part useless off-topic squabbling. Most of the replies
> here have not even addressed the OP and his questions, aside from my
> initial reply to the OP.

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