See now I find SVN far easier when you use it right, when merging code and
my opinion it is more ridiculously easier than Git. But again you need to
know how to use SVN to its fullest as well.

I have worked in teams who use SVN, and they didn't know how to maximise
its potential, and found merging extremely difficult and yet I find Git to
be the most hardest. But again I have used Git, and I do admit I still have
a lot to learn about it and how to use it. Till then my view is not going
to change, in a team SVN is far better when you know how to use it right.

Andrew Scott

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:08 AM, Matt Quackenbush <>wrote:

> Testing should be done on your topic branch. Git makes this so ridiculously
> simple that I'm not even sure how to respond to the (apparent) assertion
> that it's difficult. Committing and merging is one of the areas where SVN
> can't even begin to compare with Git in terms of simplicity - or power. But
> that's really not a "hey, let's get you started with source control" kind
> of conversation.
> I'll just say that anyone that thinks Git is difficult in this area has
> either a) never tried Git, or b) didn't read/understand the documentation
> or have someone help them through it. I've helped folks move their projects
> from no source control (their "source control" was creating zip files of
> the project folder every once in awhile) to using Git, and they've never
> looked back.

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