If I may, I think there are some core concept differences between Michaels
scenario and the others.  What I am seeing in your questions and responses
points to a corporate structure where "development" is not a part of "IT".
Correct me if I'm wrong there.

In many cases the structure is different, with the two being the same with
different roles but supporting each other. IT (or server admins) taking
care of the hardware, patches, and environment but leaving the development
environment to the developers themselves.  It's a subtle difference but one
that helps lessen the load and increase the skillset of the dev team.  Also
consider solo developers who have to do it all.

I have been in all three situations and will never go back to the first.
When I was first getting started I didn't know anything about servers. I
learned as much as I could from whatever sources I could, especially this
list, and now I can not only plan and build applications but also set up
both internal and external servers and deal with the management issues that
come up.

So the "right" answer comes down to not only how you need to handle this
situation but also how your company structure is and how much you want to
increase the skills of your development team.


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