
Hope you read this before bowing out...

I think, you need to understand one thing, nobody is saying that a
developer needs to be able to maintain a server, that is the Administrators
job. And there is a huge distinction between being able to install software
for development, and Administration, and being able to make changes quickly.

Being able to make changes quickly for doing Research and Development or
trying new things, is not the role of Administrators either and that is
what I have tried to point out. The fact that you brought that up indicates
you still disagree with the role that a developer should be able to do,
being able to create tables and write SQL is part of that requirement. But
on the same token some DBA's do get very anal about their databases, and
sometimes with very good reason. So I think everyone here understands that.

Especially in very large organisations.

There is also nothing wrong with being able to have your own database, that
developers can play with, and most decent DBA's would allow you to control
and use your own DB in development, but they will eventually make
suggestions to improve or tell you whether something needs to be changed to
suit their requirements. That comes to down to the deployment process, and
the DBA's will scrutinize your work, to make sure it is within the

BUT, nobody expects a developer to be able to do System Administration, in
the same way you would not expect the System Administrators to be able to
do development work. There is a huge difference in both those roles.

Andrew Scott
WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
Google+:  http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 9:53 PM, Michael Christensen <mich...@strib.dk>wrote:

> Man oh man, seems like I've managed to dive headfirst into a bit of a
> hornets' nest here :)
> I think many valid and interesting points have been raised in this thread.
> While I will say, that I am still not a "believer", I am certainly going
> to have a bit of a rethink about my position on some of the issues raised
> by you guys.
> At all places where I have worked (all smallish companies), there have
> been dedicated people to do server setups and maintenance and there has
> also always been restrictions on what "developers" could install on their
> machine themselves.
> (I don't know if this is a particular Danish or European way to do things
> - seems that things might be a bit different in the US)
> Believe or not, in the about 10 year timespan I am referring to above,
> there has be no catastrophes as a result of peoples work being overwritten.
> This does NOT mean, that I would advocate a shared resources (as I have
> already stated previously) - given a free choice between developing on
> shared resources and developing locally, I am quite sure I would tend
> towards the latter.
> As for the points raised about how much a "developer" (junior or senior)
> should know about setting what type of servers up, I am clearly of a
> different opinion than some of the other participants.
> While I can certainly see validity in some of the points made, I also tend
> to think, that some of these differences come down to "religion" or
> "belief", while others come from me being used to one type of setup and
> others being used to another.
> While I have only very limited CF experience in working with a setup where
> everyone develops locally, I have done quite a bit of this in C#.
> Having worked with both types, I would contend that they each have their
> benefits and drawbacks.
> I think that this thread has reached a point of "terminal velocity" and
> that I have taken away from what I can on these issues.
> I will therefore bow out of this thread by saying, that I am very
> appreciative about the large volume of input and that I am even more
> appreciative about how you guys have made me reevaluate my position on some
> things.
> I love when people can shake up things a bit, and I will most definitely
> take some of the things that have been discussed in this thread to heart.
> So thanks you guys - some of your imparted wisdom will find its way into a
> brand new CF developer, starting on monday :)

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