That's OK. If you're muddle-headed, I must be simple minded. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 2:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Fusebox (was: I like CFMX)

If i had a nickel every time i got muddle-headed.

wait, that would only be one nickel, i've been muddle-headed ever since.


Hal Helms wrote:

> The philosopher/mathemetician Bertrand Russell once told his 
> collaborator, Alfred North Whitehead: "This issue cannot be resolved. 
> The problem is that I am simple-minded and you are muddle-headed."
> Dave, I think what my muddle-headed friend, Steve, means is that the 
> Fusebox community has produced an architectural framework ("Fusebox") 
> and a methodology ("FLiP") that are quite independent of each other. 
> Because we only recently made the separation of terms (for the 
> excellent reasons you outline), some people say "Fusebox" when they're

> talking about FLiP and the other way 'round.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 2:32 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Fusebox (was: I like CFMX)
> > Sure, terminology is important but it is far too often treated as 
> > the most important thing and it's not. If you said:
> >
> > "hand me the hammer"
> > vs
> > "hand me that tool with the wooden handle and the metal smasher for 
> > banging nails"
> >
> > I'm human, i'd figure it out.
> That's fine, conversationally. Scale that up across a larger and 
> larger group, and you'd have bigger and bigger problems. The If 
> nothing else, you'd get really tired of saying "hand me that tool with

> the wooden handle and the metal smasher for banging nails" over and 
> over again. The dumb literalists in the group wouldn't understand that

> you meant to also include the tool with the fiberglass hammer, and the

> tack driver, and so on.
> > The name "hammer" is not the important part. My association to your 
> > description is the important part, terminology just shortens that 
> > description. Some people call Fusebox a methodology because it's a 
> > method of building their software, fine. Whereas others call it a 
> > framework, because the core files offer a framework for managing 
> > their code, that's fine too. No one is going to get a full 
> > definition of Fusebox from a single word, so why get so hung up on 
> > that?
> This sounds like the "Humpty Dumpty" argument - a word means exactly 
> what you want it to mean, no more and no less! The problem here is 
> that, if someone asks you about your methodology, and you tell them 
> about your framework, everyone will be confused, because they are 
> different concepts. If you want a word to mean everything, it'll mean 
> nothing in the end. Fusebox - it's a dessert topping AND a floor wax!
> I'm hung up on that, as you put it, because in my experience so many 
> CF developers think that as long as they adhere to the Fusebox 
> "standard", to the extent that it is a standard, all their design 
> problems are solved, and everything else is a "simple matter of 
> coding". Of course, also in my experience, this turns out not to be 
> the case.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444

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