Having just spent 2 hours catching up on this thread, I'm getting tired, and
need sleep.

My take on this thread:

Those developers who have experience in structured programming and/or OOP,
can relate some of the abstract concepts and methods from these disciplines
to web development.

Those developers who only have web development experience, will not
understand these concepts and methods at first glance.  Or second and thrid

I agree with Dave and Matt that the terms used to describe these concepts
and methods need to be clear - and they are to those with the greater
experience.  That doesn't mean they are clear to those who do not have the
experience - but the onus is on them to learn more about the terms,
concepts, methods.  Afterall, how can you put an abstract idea into 100
words or less, when it takes a definition AND seeing that definition in
action (sometimes lots of times) to truly understand?

That said, Dave nailed it on the head - if you feel a tool makes you more
productive, then use it.  Fusebox is probably a good intro to using a
structure for a web app.  But Fusebox devotees must keep in mind that there
is SO much more out there when it comes to developing.  And the more
experience developers (meaning more experienced with other types of coding,
rather than just web apps), must keep in mind that there is no single method
to solve a problem.

I myself fall into that trap too often - "how do I do this? simple, do this,
this and this" without thinking about the number of other methods to solve
the issue.  However, this is mostly based on my experience, and knowing the
problems/concerns with the other methods.  But, I'm open minded, show me a
better way, and WHY it's a better way and I'll do it that way.
<cf_disclaimer> I don't feel my own experience is all that great, but do
know that I have more in some areas than most of my coworkers - web
development is one of those areas </cf_disclaimer>

All that said, I've looked into Fusebox.  The most I can see, and I'm sure
I'm missing lots, is that FB is basically one file that acts as a
switchboard for the app - directing actions to the proper files.  I can
handle this directing in other manners (such as submitting a form directly
to my action page, rather than the index.cfm with the right action
specified), and manage the file/directory structure, includes, and
redirections of my apps without FB per se.  (Actually, FB came close to
matching how I built my directory structure in the first place - but that's
experience and common sense kicking in.)  To an experienced developer, the
code would be straight forward (and well commented), to someone who cut
their teeth on FB, they may have difficulty following the flow of logic.

If you are lucky enough to work with a team of experienced developers, then
FB probably won't be used.  If not, then FB might be beneficial.  Each
developer or team must decide for themselves which tool works best for them
personally, AND for the problem/application at hand.

My thoughts, not yours.  And now my bed is beckoning me.....

Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 1:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Fusebox (was: I like CFMX)

Yeah all I know is what I see in the news..."HELL NO WE WONT GO"

Douglas Brown
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Heald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:03 AM
Subject: RE: Fusebox (was: I like CFMX)

> Someone on another list I subscribe to has as his signature
> "The only good things to ever come from Berkley were BSD Unix
and LSD"
> Haven't been there so I wouldn't know if anything else good came
from there
> :)
> Tim Heald
> Application Development
> www.schoollink.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 3:07 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Fusebox (was: I like CFMX)
> Berkeley... Is it true that most people from that school is
> sniffing tree huggers? I heard a saying once
>  "LSD and Linux BSD both came from Berkeley, this cannot be a
> coincidence"
> Douglas Brown
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jennifer Larkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 11:50 PM
> Subject: RE: Fusebox (was: I like CFMX)
> > Living in California, where it's 11:50. Although I do have to
> get up
> > awfully early to take public transportation to Berkeley, so I
> should be
> > going to bed soon.
> >
> > At 02:25 AM 4/30/02 -0400, you wrote:
> > >I do have to say this, irregardless of what "side" you may be
> on where this
> > >is concerned, I have to admire the dedication that all of you
> have for
> > >ColdFusion.  Here it is 3 am in the morning, and still going
> strong.  I know
> > >I am working on the MM XML Feed thing using CFMX.  What,
> from this
> > >conversation keeps the rest of you up this evening?
> > >
> > >Tim Heald
> > >Application Development
> > >www.schoollink.net
> > >
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Hal Helms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 2:23 AM
> > >To: CF-Talk
> > >Subject: RE: Fusebox (was: I like CFMX)
> > >
> > >
> > >Jennifer, I'm unclear about the reference to URL vars, which
> Fusebox is
> > >completely agnostic about. It does view the application as a
> single
> > >entity that responds to different method requests, though.
> Those method
> > >requests come to the fusebox as variables. Is that what you
> don't like?
> > >

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