I never have trouble finding people, there are two things you can do.


1.  Advertise and hire someone

2.  Hire a keen junior person and train them


I do both here, works out well.


As for promoting CF, this isn't going to solve anything. There are three
reasons CF isn't as popular the way I see it, but Adobe (and the community)
do seem to want to address it.


1.  It's not fully OO, more OO stuff would give it a better chance at being
taught by schools etc.

2.  It's not ECMA style scripting, you have to write tags and developers
hate that if they have come from other langagues.

3.  Its not Free


So as a young developer you could use.


PHP, .NET or Java (or many others)


Which are free, readily available, lots of forumns etc, you can write OO
code if you choose and in a familiar syntax.


Or you can choose to do something completely out of left field and pick
something that is the opposite of the above. Its not that complex, if you
were a young developer with those options, its an easy decision, CF is NOT
in the running.


PS: I don't want to hear the yeah but CF is better, or easier, or quicker to
code. I know all that, but the developers when they are young or the unis
when they pick their topics, discount it for those three reasons. Die hard
CF'ers will say making CF more OO or adding full scripting support is bad
for the product as that's not what it's about. Well I say it's about time
that Adobe joined the masses in making a ECMA, OO, Free languages. And they
already know this obviously, and they have it already, it's called Action



Dale Fraser

 <http://learncf.com> http://learncf.com


From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of AJ Mercer
Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2008 2:09 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say "CF on the way out"? ... FFS! not FUD
from them too?


So do you think if you showed a PHP developer a free CFML engine they would
jump ship?

Or are they a part of them mob questioning CF's longevity??

Or should we be canvasing the new web developers - those that not know any
different / better?

Should UGs run a meeting 'An introduction to CF for PHP developers'

Should we poach from other disciplines too?
 - RoR => they are more fanatical the CF developers ;-)
 - ASP
 - .Net => are they a lot cause?
 - JSP

And where do CFML Engine providers fit into all of this?
Should Railo and New Atlanta be taking on this challenge??

I think Adobe are happy looking after the enterprise end of the market, in
which people don't respect 'free' application server products
They can afford to pay top dollar for skilled people or pay to train them

I was hoping Flex and AIR would mention CF a bit more.
But I guess Adobe don't want to give the impression that it is the only
option and scare of the PHP/.Net market.

more questions than answers, sorry :-(

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:30 AM, barry.b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

just getting back to Robin Hilliard's point about recruiters having no
problem finding quality candidates for him...

... that may be specific to certain areas (Sydney, Melbourne) or
sections of the market (enterprise, RIA's). Besides, Sydney and
Melbourne are magnets from other areas of the country anyway. I
personally know of 3 CF good people who have moved to Sydney from

According to a recruiter I spoke to this morning, one client on his
books who is just about to throw the towel in on CF and get his apps
re-written in another language - he can't find the CF developers to
maintain and extend it. Darren Tracey (QLD CFUG manager) sounded alarm
bells about this over a year ago (where the "new blood" was coming
from) - but it's typical free-market forces and there's not a lot that
can be done about it, even from the educational/student (supply) side.

do CF a favour - poach a PHP coder today...


AJ Mercer
Web Log: http://webonix.net

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