No offence Peter & Charlie,


But you are both non Australians, and here in Australia the job market is
nonexistent and has been that way for 5 years.


The point I made to Sean was simple, if the sales of Coldfusion is stronger
than ever before. Why are the jobs for Coldfusion not increasing? And since
that discussion nothing has changed.


The perception is still the same, now whether we get out there more and
promote the product is not the issue. But whether Adobe get out there and
help us out more on this issue as well.


But till there is a market shift in more jobs, this could be discussed for
the next 5 years and that's when I want to see more jobs for Coldfusion
developers. But right now what incentive is a prospective Coldfusion
developer have if there is no job for him/her to go too?


Same words, same argument only 5 years later.


Andrew Scott




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of charlie arehart
Sent: Saturday, 12 April 2008 3:19 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say "CF on the way out"? ... FFS! not FUD
from them too?


Good on ya, Pete. :-)  And good point about how more may be being done than
is recognized. We clearly have a large hill to climb, and it may seem like
we're making no progress. Good to point out that there are indeed some
efforts underway.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Peter Bell
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 1:11 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say "CF on the way out"? ... FFS! not FUD
from them too?


And as mentioned when this came up on another list recently, I think people
do evangelize outside the community. In the last year I presented at ooPSLA
'07 in Montreal, the Domain Specific Modeling Forum, the British Computer
Society Software Practices Advancement group and Code Generation 2007. In
each case there are some pretty influential developers and in each case I
mention the language I use and why I choose it over Python, PHP, Ruby, C# or


Of course, the thing about evangelizing outside of the community is that
nobody within the community knows when it's being done!


Also Dan Wilson is doing great stuff on DZone and Kay S on SitePoint getting
the ColdFusion word out, so it's getting there . . .


Best Wishes,




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