Kurt Wiersma said the following on 1/28/2006 11:34 AM:
> I am consider releasing a sample app that consists of Mach II,
> Reactor, and ColdSpring. Would people be interested in this type of
> sample app? Seems like it might help promote the use of well designed
> CFCs in applications. I will proabbly have to put out a disclaimer
> that the app will be setup to my shop standards but it might be
> helpful to the community.
> --Kurt
Kurt, you don't have guess what my answer will be...  I'd say go for it!


Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

Rooibos Generator - Version 2.1
Create boilerplate beans and transfer objects for ColdFusion!

- Member Team Mach-II
- Member Team Fusion

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