Kurt, I would really appreciate that. I've just read a little about, and looked at demos of Arf!, and saw comments that it's less "industrial-strength" than Reactor, and haven't had time to look into Reactor. I've been involved in a Mach-II app that has no persistence management, and would be very interested in a demo where the three "played well" with each other.


Kurt Wiersma wrote:

I am consider releasing a sample app that consists of Mach II, Reactor, and ColdSpring. Would people be interested in this type of sample app? Seems like it might help promote the use of well designed CFCs in applications. I will proabbly have to put out a disclaimer that the app will be setup to my shop standards but it might be helpful to the community.


On 1/27/06, *Seth Petry-Johnson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

I like the sound of a Model-Glue+ColdSpring+Reactor
application. Are there any example apps out there that
utilize all 3 at once?

    This is the same trinity I'm adopting for all new projects.  I'm
    really digging Model-Glue and ColdSpring and I'm just starting to
    explore Reactor.  So far I think its a great combo.
A good example of a MG+Reactor app would be ReactorBlog. I
    recently launched my personal blog using ReactorBlog and I found
    it very easy to tweak to my liking, it was also very helpful from
    a sample application point of view.  I know that's only 2/3 of
    what you were asking for, but adding ColdSpring to an existing
    application is cake, and only really necessary is you need custom
    objects above and beyond the DAOs, Gateways and the like that
    Reactor generates.
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