don't you think it is odd that two different strings decrypt to the same value?

Ok I am attaching a test file that will hopefully make things more clear.

some things to note. 
1.  In the test file I am forcing a trim when I set "c"  (line 32) in order to illustrate what is going on.
2.  I provide three keys.  the first key doesn't result in an encrypted value that is subject to the wierd end result the other two both do.
3.  the wierd end result is that the trimming of the encrypted version (which is happening in my app for no obvious reason) causes the final character of the encrypted string to change from a 'k' to a 'j'  basically the user
can't specify their lastname is "Buskirk" as it always comes out of the database and decryption as "Buskirj" (I also show the same results if we start with Buskirj)
4.  I have confirmed via all "touches" of the encrypted and decrypted string that the "trim" function is not being called in my application
5. My app uses Oracle 9i - and if I read the encrypted string out of the db as soon as I write it the trailing space is still present in the database
6. Later when I read it out of the database the trailing space is still there
7. when I call decrypt the trailing space is lost somehow and the returned string is "Buskirj"
8. No other last name value is experiecing this result.  For instance Heinricher, Rawlinson, Smith all seem to work fine.

When you run the test you will notice some wierdness with Heinricher but everything seems to work out according to the test line (though visually it is hard to tell).

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Attachment: crypto_test.cfm
Description: Binary data

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