Bill Rawlinson said the following on 2/14/2006 10:20 PM:
sort of - somehow my encrypted string is losing its trailing space.  However, buskirj encrypted comes out with a trailing 0 and a space
but if you decrypt either the encrypted buskirk without the trailing space OR the encrypted buskirj they both return buskirj

it is the only string I am having this problem with.  I can't find a single reason for losing the trailing space in the encrypted buskirk but it is causing a user with that last name untold grief.

What charset is your Oracle table (again, my knowledge of Oracle is limited)?  According to the documentation:
String to encrypt or decrypt. This is always interpreted as a UTF-8 string for ColdFusion encryption.

I'm thinking that maybe if you are using something like latin charset - you might be losing some characters etc.  I know I'm talking to myself at the moment, but trying to get all the possibilities out there.

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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