Bill Rawlinson said the following on 2/14/2006 10:20 PM:
> sort of - somehow my encrypted string is losing its trailing space. 
> However, buskirj encrypted comes out with a trailing 0 and a space
> but if you decrypt either the encrypted buskirk without the trailing
> space OR the encrypted buskirj they both return buskirj
> it is the only string I am having this problem with.  I can't find a
> single reason for losing the trailing space in the encrypted buskirk
> but it is causing a user with that last name untold grief.
> Bill
I would say you aren't the only one who had this problem:

I'm unfamiliar with Oracle, are you sure you are escaping all characters
when you persist the string in the db?  Are you using cfqueryparam when
persisting the encrypted pwd?

I'd really suggest you move to SHA, AES or even MD5 to store password --
using these one-way hash alogs.  Most hash alogs should already be built
into your DB product (although IIRC, MSSql 2000 doesn't have any).


Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing
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