Not sure if I am reading this right, but it looks like you are setting your Agent_ID property and then trying to retrieve your Property_ID property.

I think you want the line that you commented on to be:
<cfset arguments.propertyBean.setProperty_ID(qrySQL.NewId) />

Could be that I am reading it wrong though, just took a quick glance after all.


At 10:22 PM 4/14/2007, Ryan Everhart wrote:
Hey Everyone,
I got an issue here, and I'm not sure what's wrong. I am creating a record in a database using the create function in a DAO. After creating the record it should set the ID of the new record right? For some reason it's not being set.

Here is the create statement

Here is the action page where I'm calling the create statement. Lines 61 is where the function is being called then on lines 74 and 80 I'm trying to call the new id using variables.beanProperty.getProperty_ID(), but for some reason it's coming back as 0

Anything obvious I'm missing?


Ryan Everhart
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