Philip, questions are good. However, these questions don't really have any
bearing on why you would use ColdSpring. It makes no difference what my
database tables look like, what methods the CFCs have, what the datasource
looks like, what mapping you use for your component paths, or what the
index.cfm or maintenance screens look like. What ColdSpring does is create
CFCs for you and manage their relationships so you don't have to (it also
does a lot more such as AOP and remote facade generation but those are
separate topics). It's completely generic. It will work with any CFCs,
whether you are using a database or not, and regardless of what the CFCs
actually do or how you display the data they provide.

However, if code would help, have a look at the code from my presentation at
the Frameworks conference earlier this year:

Hope that helps,


On 6/8/07, Phillip Senn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Thanks Brian for your posts.

In your blog, you use this as an example:


   <bean id="productService" class="components.ProductService">

      <constructor-arg name="productFactory">

         <ref bean="productFactory" />


      <constructor-arg name="productDAO">

         <ref bean="productDAO" />


      <constructor-arg name="productGateway">

         <ref bean="productGateway" />



   <bean id="productDAO" class="components.ProductDAO">

      <constructor-arg name="config">

         <ref bean="config" />



   <bean id="productGateway" class="components.ProductGateway">

      <constructor-arg name="config">

         <ref bean="config" />



   <bean id="config" class="components.config">

      <constructor-arg name="configFile">




   <bean id="productFactory" class="components.ProductFactory" />


   1. What does the Product table look like?
   2. What does ProductService.cfc look like?
   3. What does ProductFactory.cfc look like?
   4. What does ProductDAO.cfc look like?
   5. What does ProductGateway.cfc look like?
   6. What does Config.cfc look like?
   7. What does Application.cfc look like?
   8. What does your ColdFusion datasource look like in the cfide
   9. What does your mapping look like if you refer to myapp.components
   10. What does your Index.cfm page look like?
   11. What does your maintenance screen look like?
   12. What does your Report screen look like?
   13. What does your Inquiry screen look like?

When I use the phrase "look like", what I'm trying to convey to you is:

"What is the exact source code for this /thing/ which I'm describing,
whether it be a sql script, a ColdFusion component, a cfm page that outputs
plain old HTML with javascript and cascading style sheets, or a cfm page
that outputs a flex application".

I'm trying to show you that I'm not trying to be obnoxious, but rather
that I have lots of questions.

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