On 11/11/2009 10:46 AM, P Kishor wrote:

> I use it exclusively, under the assumption that, like 'use strict', it
> is just best practice,

But a real question I have is, should designers (who are the ones 
creating these, or at least that's one of it's benefits is that they 
can) be burdened with "strict" when the environment they operate in 
(HTML, CSS) is inherently not "strict".

>  may make my code faster

I seriously doubt this. Especially if your code has to do lots of 
$tmpl->query() stuff to make sure that a variable is present before 
doing a $tmpl->param().

> and less error-ridden,

The only error I know that this catches is a misspelling on the 
programmer's side. Which I'll admit is a real problem. But in most of my 
cases, it's a problem that's easily seen because the data does not show 
up where it should.

> and may endow me with good looks and untold riches

Maybe if you rub Sam Tregar's belly. But I'd be careful, he's got a mean 
right hook :)

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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