Sorry I talk to A.L.O. today, and with this last msg I realize that maybe you have misunderstood my intention, the cherokee.fedora I contrib was for the TARBALL 0.5.5-tar.gz source code, where it comes with only the debian init script. jejeje :D

So, a continue to ask, maybe could I contrib with my init scrip for RH and Fedora (and others like those) to be compliant for the source code, for the punch of guys who really enjoy to compile their own software and not to depend on a specific package ???. (like me ?) :D

Kind regards.


PD. Maybe your init script could be as cherokee.opensuse compliant at the source code, or maybe I'll made a shell script generator of cherokee.server for the bunch of distribution using your's, mine, and those inits scripts out there, and make a better contrib,

...tild this monday. I'm very tired right now.

2006/10/7, Manuel Arostegui Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
El Sábado, 7 de Octubre de 2006 00:13, Carlitux escribió:
> Of course... how could I forget SuSe init Scripts...but...
> # Read if you prefer not
> # to use this template.
> ...the one you show me is for SUSE based systems, (althought) works fine
> for Fedora, Red Hat, and SuSe based systems. My aproach is fresh and ligth
> as the Web server, and I'm JUST asking to make a contrib/cherokee.fedora or
> similar on the next release.
> Kind Regards...  :D

I'm including init scripts (untill yesterday, only mine, the one I showed you
yesterday) on the RPMs for cherokee, which are on:

Actually, I don't really know if there's a good idea to include more init
scripts on a RPM, is like to reinvent the wheel. I mean, why we should have
two init scripts on the same package and both do exactly the same?

Manuel Arostegui Ramirez.

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