So, let me summarize the discussion..

  If I haven't understood it wrong, the proposal is basically to
  include a few init scripts into the /contrib directory of the source
  tarball in order to let people who want to compile it by hand to use
  them easily.

Yes Alvaro, thank you very much.. thats all.  

  The pros are quite easy to see. However, I'm not sure if that is
  something that we ought to do from inside the project. Depending on
  the situation it may be better if the distributions handle it by

¿Where could it be done if it's not from the project itself ?, well maybe from outside the project just like this time :o)

  I don't have a strong opinion about it, so guys.. what do you
  prefer? If we add new init scripts we should support them properly.

You're the man so .... it's up to you buddy... but... I  offer myself to support that, what a better opportunity to make myself contribute to the cause, and maybe be part of the project itself.



PD. Sorry for the quote

Greetings, alo.

Blog Personal:
"May the source be with you..."
"In a World without walls and fences who needs WINDOWS and GATES?"

Ing. Carlos Alcalá Helguero
Administrador Encargado de Laboratorios de Computo
Universidad Catolica Boliviana "San Pablo"
Phone:  (591)+4249234
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