Can you provide a binary network packet capture of the
traffic that you are seeing.
Can you also provide the output from running cifs-gendiag,
available here:


On 04/13/10 04:02 PM, Kasper Bræmer-Jensen wrote:

Are you familiar with dtrace?
I think the only way would be to create a dtrace script to
trace all of the places that could generate a notification.
Places that call smb_process_node_notify_change_queue()
or smb_node_notify_change().
That would at least tell us what change smbsrv is detecting
and notifying to Explorer.

Unfortunately, I do not know dtrace at all. I've spent the past few hours 
trying to create something useful out of the existing scripts in /opt/DTT and 
some examples I found online, but I've been unable to do anything useful (I'm 
not even 100% sure on what and how I should use those functions..). I got some 
help in #dtrace on IRC (Freenode), that was useful but did I never got 
something to work.

I grepped for existing dtrace script using the above functions, but was unable 
to find anything at all, even containing smb_*.

Could you provide me with some pointers on how to do this? I've been thinking 
of different ways of solving this, but I seriously have no idea on where to 
start, or where to go.

Kind regards,

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