Thanks for your response. I read that blog, and didn't see anything indicating 
the steps required in creating a share, only a mention that it was possible. 
Below is a series of screenshots of the process I took.

I can provide snoop logs between this windows server and the opensolaris server 
if that would help.

Here is the list of shares from the opensolaris server:

I tried to right click on 'Shares' on the left, going to 'Create new Share.' On 
the right of the dialogue box that pops up, i saw a 'browse' button for the 
location. Here is the error I get when i try to create a new folder:

Since doing a browse didn't work, i decided to try to make a new folder this 
way. I chose b:\ because the other share has that path name.

Result of previous screen

Result of hitting next

After hitting finish on that screen, I get this window.

As you can see, there was some kind of 'internal windows error.' The new share 
did not show up after hitting 'close.'

Thanks for your help.
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