On Mon, 2010-01-11 at 15:23 +0000, Hongwei Sun wrote:
> Andrew,
>   Most of the issues mentioned in your mail have been fixed in the latest 
> released MS-ADSC or MS-ADA3.  The following is a summary.
>      The schema of Windows 2008 R2 we sent you in 04/24/2009 doesn't 
> incorporate the above changes.  I will work on it.  We do have tools/scripts 
> to create and validate the schema.

Is there a location where you continually post the text file version of
the schema, or do we have to ask each time?

Also, have you addressed the issues tridge mentioned in his reply, and
the adminDescription/adminDisplayName issue?

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

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