Joe Sloan wrote:
> John Rudd wrote:
>> Just because they're in a non-windows environment doesn't mean they 
>> can't possibly be sending out viruses.  The person who expressed that 
>> is, as I said, being naive.  And, irresponsible.
> While it's fine to talk theory, the facts of the matter are fairly 
> clear. We run mail servers that see tens of millions of messages monthly 
> on behalf of 15,000 users. Out of the thousands of different viruses 
> we've encountered over the years, we've never seen one that wasn't sent 
> from ms windows.
> Perhaps our sample size is too small, but it certainly seems that this 
> whole overhyped idea of viruses apart from ms windows is a non-issue in 
> practice.
> Joe

How are able to determine that? There's nothing in the connection 
information or in the message that identifies the source OS, hardware, 
or MTA. Everything in a message can be spoofed as can the sending 
system. The only thing you can be sure of is the IP you log during the 
connection. Nothing else can be considered real.

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