On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 23:01:10 -0400
"David F. Skoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do not believe there has been a real Linux virus in the wild, and
> I can't believe someone wouldn't have created one by now if it were
> as easy as on Windoze.  Heck, even MSFT has probably tried as part
> of it's FUD campaign. :-)

Well, ignoring the ensuing flame war as to whether a worm is a virus ( it 
certainly is in this context! ), the first ever virus was unix based. And 
Microsoft Windows hadn't been invented yet. Or linux.

I am absolutely certain that, once there's a market for it, non-windows viruses 
will appear. I think it's too risky (and after all, risk is perceived 
differently by all people!) to assume that just because it's in the too hard/no 
money basket at the moment, it's going to stay there.

And when it happens, I don't want to be in the group of people that everyone's 
pointing the finger at, chanting 'I told you so'!


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