On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:38:10 -0700
Joe Sloan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dennis Peterson wrote:
> > Joe Sloan wrote:
> >> Perhaps our sample size is too small, but it certainly seems that this 
> >> whole overhyped idea of viruses apart from ms windows is a non-issue in 
> >> practice.
> > How are able to determine that? There's nothing in the connection 
> > information or in the message that identifies the source OS, hardware, 
> > or MTA. Everything in a message can be spoofed as can the sending 
> > system. The only thing you can be sure of is the IP you log during the 
> > connection. Nothing else can be considered real.
> It's rather simple. Every single one of the viruses we looked at has 
> been a windows executable, therefore could not have possibly infected a 
> non windows platform.
> Joe
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This is where you need the cynical, pessimistic sysadmins approach. Just 
because it is now, doesn't mean that it's always going to be. Would you rather 
be proactive or reactive? Personally, I try to be the former whenever possible. 
Less stress.

Because, it *IS* going to change, just as soon as the market share makes it 
profitable. No question about it.


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