On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Eric Rostetter

> <snip/>
> If you are on my property (say you rent or lease it from me), I can come
> in anytime.

> <snip/>
> I'm not even trying to argue that this was or wasn't an illegal action.
> I'm just saying that the arguments are lame (calling it blackmail when
> it isn't, saying they need permission from each and every user when they
> don't, etc).  Come on folks, make your arguments at least reasonable!
> --
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Good arguments mostly Eric but I must take issue with your statement above
about owners right and renters.
Last I checked if I rent a property from you then that does _not_ give you
the right to enter 'anytime' , unless you have it specifically written in
the lease you can only come in by arrangement and only for maintenance and
inspections. That what renting means: assigning the right to use a property
to another person in exchange for rent. That right generally includes
refusing entry to the owner when not prearranged. Here's just one entry on
the subject:
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