On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Bill Landry wrote:

> Doesn't agree with the example you provided, is all I'm saying, not
> without notification via "certified mail" or "personal delivery", which
> takes notification to a much higher standard and requirement then you have
> been trying to justify.

The example I sited shows a guy who lost his building and spent 10 years 
trying to get things fixed. In the course a law was changed, so that NOW, in 
New York State in the USA, personal delivery of notification is required.

If you would like to assume from this that you are safe in your particular 
locality, I can only hope you don't wake up in a pile of rubble.

For me, the lesson I take is to always be aware of the laws in your 
locality. And the policies of the software you use.

Chris Candreva  -- ch...@westnet.com -- (914) 948-3162
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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