On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 12:48 AM, Kees Theunissen
<c.j.theunis...@differ.nl> wrote:

>>I have not had much luck finding a binary package that is not part of
>>a non Slackware install.  If anyone finds such a package in their
>>travels I would be very grateful for a link.
> Have a look at https://slackbuilds.org/ for build scripts that produce
> binary Slackware packages which integrate nicely with the Slackware
> package management tools.
> The build script for Clamav 0.99.3 on Slackware 14.2 doesn't require
> any patches. Are you running "Slackware Current" perhaps?

I am indeed running Slackware current, or at least what was current
around August.   Over many years I have never had a problem running
the current version as Pat V.  is usually very conservative with what
he put's in -current.

In regard to Clamav, by the time I read this I have given up on
installing 0.99.3 and installed 0.100.0-beta and it seems to be
working fine.

I will check back every now and then to see if there have been any
updates to the beta.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.  It is appreciated.

> Regards,
> Kees Theunissen.
> --
> Kees Theunissen,  System and network manager,   Tel: +31 (0)40-3334724
> Dutch Institute For Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER)
> e-mail address:   c.j.theunis...@differ.nl
> postal address:   PO Box 6336, 5600 HH, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
> visitors address: De Zaale 20, 5612 AJ, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
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