Two quick questions as I am working through the OM stuff... glad if anyone here 
has some pointers to point me in the right directions...

1. I seem to be unable to get "lein trampoline cljsbuild repl-listen" to serve 
up a css file on my own Om project... I have my css located at "[project 
root]/css/main.css" and then reference it in the html as <link rel="stylesheet" 
href="css/main.css"> but this just throws a 404 error for main.css when I run 
my program. I've tried many other variations but nothing seems to work. 
Javascript, html, and sourcemaps work fine. Anyone have an idea of what I'm 
doing wrong? How does repl-listen decide where the css lives?

2. In the Om TodoMVC app in the function "handle-new-todo-keydown" there is one 
ugly line of code that reads:
        (set! (.-value new-field) "")

   Anyone figure out yet why such a DOM manipulation was necessary in that case?

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