On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 5:27:12 AM UTC-6, Nikita Prokopov wrote:
> Hi David,
> cool work,
> Just wondering, why in todomvc you rely so heavily onto #js literals, and 
> prefer dsl-like syntax (dom/...) instead of some declarative markup like 
> hiccup? Is it because of performance reasons?
> Thanks!

I'm not David, but I'm guessing "performance reasons" is the answer. The React 
library relies on member functions to render html (React.DOM.div, 
React.DOM.input, etc) so this maps more efficiently onto a macro-based html 
rendering solution, as opposed to one based purely on EDN (like hiccup). Note 
that the approach used by Om is common in the Common Lisp & Scheme worlds 
(since those languages don't have clean map & vector literals like Clojure, the 
hiccup approach is more awkward in those languages.)

The #js literals can forwarded directly to the React.js library and are 
therefore also very efficient.

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