On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 17:04 -0700, Kevin Cote wrote:

> I have an application that I have developed over the last 6 months on
> top of v1.0.10.  I am now trying to migrate this app to v1.2.8.  I
> have tried running the migrated app under Ubuntu 9.0.4 and also Moblin
> v2.  I get the same issues in both cases.  My symptoms are twofold:
> -         Text is garbled.  By this I mean that each character is
> drawn almost like a block instead of the actual glyph.

which GPU and driver are you using?

> -         Certain textures are not rendered (meaning I don’t see
> them), yet the app functions as if they are there (meaning if the
> texture is a button control the button still functions even though it
> is invisible).

again, these two seem connected (lack of mipmapping support).

> I tried executing some of the test-interactive programs and have seen
> two issues with v1.2.8.  These issues don’t exist in v1.0.10:
> 1)      With the test-texture-async I get the following output in the
> console and see no output to the application window.

this has nothing to do with the rest of the issues; you have to pass a
file to the test otherwise it'll fail. I'll add a check that bails out
early instead of spewing errors.

> 2)      With the test-texture-quality application I see the hand drawn
> properly on the first cycle, but for all other cycles, only a few
> pixels near the top are drawn.

there you go: lack of mipmapping support on your platform.


Emmanuele Bassi, Open Source Software Engineer
Intel Open Source Technology Center

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