In your email to Karen, you wrote "I also was very concerned to hear about 
those who had had CML transplants, not kidney".  Not exactly sure what you mean 
by this statement but it sounds like you made a public statement that you 
aren't concerned about those of us who've had to have a kidney transplant.  

From: Susan Zimmerman <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:24 PM
Subject: Fwd: [CMLHope] Transplants

Hi Karen,
Just to clarify, the first post you made did not have your signature on it.  I 
also was very concerned to hear about those who had had CML transplants, not 
kidney.  I may be a candidate down the line for a CML transplant.
Thanks for your informative letter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Qtk98 <>
To: cmlhope <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 12:42 pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Transplants

Hi Marty,

I'm not sure why my name is showing up QTK98....that's my screen name, but my 
name is Karen and that's what you can call me.  In any event, I wanted to 
answer a few questions that you put out there with regards to my response on 
transplants.  My doctor and I did talk about doing a DLI, which is a donor 
lymphocytes infusion, however my donor cells depleted so quickly that by the 
time we actually realized it, another transplant was the better chance for a 
successful graft.  However, that did not happen.  We had enough frozen stem 
cells to do another transplant, so that is what we chose to do.  That answers 
your question...i.e., bone marrow or stem cells.  Both my transplants were 
non-myloablative stem cell transplants.

One of the conditioning drugs used in my second transplant was Campath, which 
did depleat my T-cells and that was the reason for all the problems with the 
virus and pneumonia post second transplant.  I had no GVHD after my first 
transplant, which probably was another sign that things were not going to work, 
since all the doctors I talk with say that a little GVHD is's the 
key to a successful graft.

I did not have a kidney transplant, in fact when I responded to Susan's post on 
transplants, I thought she was looking for people with CML who had transplants, 
however she wanted to see if anyone with CML had a kidney transplant.  In any 
event I am happy to say I have not had any other problems "organ" wise with 
this CML nightmare I've been dealing with over the last year, however the drug 
I'm on right now for the virus can cause significant problems with the kidneys, 
so I really pray that I don't encounter more problems thru this all.

It sounds like you have been thru alot, but I'm very happy to hear that your 
transplant has worked for 22+ years....and I'm sure you will see many 
more years to come.  I will check out the CML2 group and I wish for you 18's 

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