This is, indeed, strange.

I tried it, as you suggested, with a new user account on the very same machine.
Everything works just fine in a copy of the project under that pristine account.
Even when I launch the .xcodeproject in my real home, the indexing works.

It just does not work in my home.

Just now, I have tried a few other things.
I deleted some folders in ~/Library/Deverlopers (caches, log files, devices).
Interestingly, there is no ~/Library/Deverloper/Xcode/DerivedData! (which 
should contain the indexing stuff; and, naturally, 
~pristine/Library/Developer/Xcode does contain the DerivedData).
I have also rebooted.
I also deleted project.xcworkspace .
All to no avail.

So, what now? what can I do?

Stymied, Gabriel.

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