Well, it never goes less than -0 whatever that means so the "<" is redundant 
and 0 is a valid offset, I need to detect a scroll to *before* 0, which I never 


On 8 Oct 2013, at 21:26, Steve Christensen <puns...@mac.com> wrote:

> Does (scrollView.contentOffset.x <= 0) not work? How are you testing for it 
> now?
> On Oct 8, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Dave <d...@looktowindward.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I finally managed to get back on this! I've got it working when scrolling 
>> from left to right and can detect when the user scrolls past the last item, 
>> however, I can't seem to find a way to detect when the user scrolls to 
>> before the first item. 
>> I get -0 for offset X
>> 2013-10-08 20:18:20.607 LTWScrollTest1[17988:a0b] contentOffset    : {-0, 0}
>> But that doesn't do me much good!
>> It seems to work quite nicely going left to right, but having difficulties 
>> figuring out how to make it work scrolling right to left.
>> Any idea greatly appreciated as I'm need to get this working for tomorrow 
>> morning!
>> Thanks a lot.
>> All the Best
>> Dave
>> On 8 Oct 2013, at 08:56, Kyle Sluder <k...@ksluder.com> wrote:
>>>> On Oct 8, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Dave <d...@looktowindward.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Kyle,
>>>> That's what I was trying to figure out, whether I needed to re-layout the 
>>>> views based on the positions or whether I could just do it by keeping an 
>>>> Array of the image views separately and rotating this as it scroll past 
>>>> the end. I sort of got this working, but of course the Subviews of the 
>>>> Scroll View just grows and grows! 
>>>> This is what I got at the moment:
>>>> //  Scroll past last item detected (in the scrollViewDidScroll delegate 
>>>> method)
>>>> if (theScrollView.contentSize.width - theScrollView.contentOffset.x <= 
>>>> 1024)
>>>>     {
>>>>     myContentInfo = [self.pContentArray objectAtIndex:0];
>>>>     [self.pContentArray addObject:myContentInfo];
>>>>     [self.pContentArray removeObjectAtIndex:0];
>>>>     [self addContentInfo:myContentInfo withEndFlag:YES];
>>>>     }
>>>> Which kind of works, but obviously isn't the way to do it. 
>>>> Thanks for confirming I needed to use -layoutSubviews, I'm about to start 
>>>> on this track now.
>>> You don’t *have* to use -layoutSubviews, but you'll probably get the best 
>>> results if you do. You could theoretically do this all in the delegate's 
>>> implementation of -scrollViewDidScroll:, but that’ll probably double the 
>>> number of layout passes and certainly multiply the number of message sends. 
>>> When scrolling, you want to avoid as much unnecessary work as is reasonable.
>>> It’s kind of a bummer that you’re going to need to split your logic up 
>>> between the scroll view and its delegate, thus tightly coupling the two. I 
>>> wish the frameworks exposed many more of their delegate hooks as subclass 
>>> hooks as well. Scroll views seem to stir this desire particularly 
>>> frequently.
>>> --Kyle Sluder
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