On 7 Oct 2013, at 19:54, Kyle Sluder <k...@ksluder.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 7, 2013, at 09:21 AM, Dave wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to be able to Scroll Infinitely in a Scroll, e.g. when the
>> scrolling is past the last item in the Scroll start displaying the first
>> and when scrolling before the first item, starting displaying the last.
>> The items in this case are UIImageViews and they have a fixed height and
>> a variable width and no one image will be wider that the Scroll View
>> itself. Also it needs to work with pagingEnables = NO, e.g. there will be
>> more than one Image visible.
>> I've playing around a bit and found a some sample code that sort of does
>> it but it doesn't handle the wrapping the Images smoothly (is was written
>> to have paging enabled). 
>> My plan was/is to detect when the scrolling had hit before the
>> first/after the last and to move the first Subview to the End or the Last
>> one to the beginning, depending on the direction of movement, but at the
>> moment, I can't seem to see a way of detecting these conditions.
> It seems fairly straightforward, if a little labor intensive, to figure
> out the width and placement of all your image views, override
> -layoutSubviews to position only the ones that are potentially visible,
> and implement
> -scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:targetContentOffset: to figure
> out where to end scrolling, based on the current velocity.
> --Kyle Sluder

Thanks Kyle,

That's what I was trying to figure out, whether I needed to re-layout the views 
based on the positions or whether I could just do it by keeping an Array of the 
image views separately and rotating this as it scroll past the end. I sort of 
got this working, but of course the Subviews of the Scroll View just grows and 

This is what I got at the moment:

//  Scroll past last item detected (in the scrollViewDidScroll delegate method)

        if (theScrollView.contentSize.width - theScrollView.contentOffset.x <= 
                myContentInfo = [self.pContentArray objectAtIndex:0];
                [self.pContentArray addObject:myContentInfo];
                [self.pContentArray removeObjectAtIndex:0];
                [self addContentInfo:myContentInfo withEndFlag:YES];

Which kind of works, but obviously isn't the way to do it. 

Thanks for confirming I needed to use -layoutSubviews, I'm about to start on 
this track now.

All the Best


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