Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
on 6/20/03 2:01 PM Christian Haul wrote:
Reinhard Pötz wrote:

* Component loading                                          *

I see two different types of components in Cocoon today:

1) general components (example: SaxParser)
2) sitemap components (example: FOPSerializer)

I think the flow should have access only to the first family.

Fine. Although I don't see the possible abuse here.

Having access to sitemap components would allow the flow writer to assemble pipelines at runtime, which is the closest thing I to abuse of cocoon internals I can think of.

Oh I see -- but that would require some hard core hacking. Someone who is determined enough to do that will probably find another way even with this restriction.

Although I don't like to mention it, action are dual use and by removing special support and restricting access to non-sitemap components they are completely banned. Yes, a sitemap component could refer to a regular component to do the job, but....


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