on 6/22/03 3:07 AM Steven Noels wrote:

> On 22/06/2003 8:56 Upayavira wrote:
>>Just to clarify - Stefano was only suggesting removing input/output
>>modules from FOM, not Cocoon or the sitemap (where they are
>>Do your comments still stand?
> If that was what he was aiming at, I stand corrected. Although I must
> admit that his remark seemed more broadly stated (to me).

I was suggesting we remove it from the FOM as I see no reason to connect
sitemap programmatic artifacts in the flow realm. Read the title, it
starts with [flow], is the context clear enough?

Anyway, I think we got the point that you people there at OT have such a
great and better way of doing stateful control using actions.

What about stopping your "Stefano will kill actions under our feet"
paranoia and throw some code in the scratchpad to show your point?

maybe both sides can learn something in the process.


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