Have C4Lers looked at the new Twitter annotations feature?


I'd love to get some people together to agree on a standard book
annotation format, so two people can tweet about the same book or
other library item, and they or someone else can pull that together.

I'm inclined to start adding it to the "I'm talking about" and "I'm
adding" links on LibraryThing. I imagine it could be easily added to
many library applications too—anywhere there is or could be a "share
this on Twitter" link, including OPACs, citation managers, library
event feeds, etc.

Also, wouldn't it be great to show the world another interesting,
useful and cool use of library data that OCLC's rules would prohibit?

So the question is the format. Only a maniac would suggest MARC. For
size and other reasons, even MODS is too much. But perhaps we can
borrow the barest of field names from MODS, COinS, or from the most
commonly used bibliographic format, Amazon XML.



Check out my library at http://www.librarything.com/profile/timspalding

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