On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 8:04 PM, Godmar Back <god...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That said, I'm genuinely interested in what others are thinking/have
> experienced.

I've heard the "don't send HTML" argument, but in my experience,
writing HTML template code and then Javascript code to generate the
same HTML is bad. They either have slight inconsistencies, or I change
one and forget about the other, or something else.

My rule of thumb: If a UI element relies on JS for its functionality,
rendering it with JS is fine. If it's supposed to show up and operate
without JS, render it with your templating engine. Render each thing
in only one place.

Whether an app should require javascript or use progressive
enhancement depends on the app -- but "this just needs javascript" is
not a decision to make lightly; it's hard to change your mind two
months in.


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