Leo Simons wrote:
Leo Simons wrote:

Normally, I'd just ask the infrastructure peeps to

umask 002
mkdir /www/www.apache.org/dist/java-repository
chown :apcvs /www/www.apache.org/dist/java-repository

and get things started, but given the unusual (well, maybe not ;) amount of controversy

okay, so it looks like controversy is actuallly just perceived controversy, just a reaction
or two, and all positive. Root, could you invoke your infinite power and execute the
above commands on the daedalus machine?

It doesn't look like it took much power. Any ASF member could do it. I'm an ASF member. Done.

thanks & cheers,

- Leo (avalon pmc member acting sort-of on behalf of "the java peeps" using the
lazy consensus model and the Just-Do-It-in-the-event-of-consensus mindset :D)

I like that mindset. Note: the essence of lazy consensus is that such actions are immeditely rolled back if an issue is raised. I plan to do exactly that.

- Sam Ruby

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