On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> differing views on how to make use of the repository.  Costin and I seem to
> be of the option that a significant portion of the value of the repository
> comes from sharing and centralizing the managment of ASF-acceptable third
> party jars.

Not entirely true, but close. 

I think third party jars that are found compatible with ASF license - i.e. 
freely redistributable - are very valuable as they will allow projects 
to better manage their dependencies. 

I don't believe in a single repository or a single policy - the download 
tools must be smart and be able to deal with different kinds of 
repositories ( apache, sourceforge, maven, etc ). Heck - if the tool can 
display the license and ask for an "I agree" and if this satisfies the 
requirements of some licenses - it should be supported. That's what 
makes a good tool - flexibility and ability to accept multiple inputs. 

> should reply in proxy, so I will quote him: "People *must* know that the
> maven team decided a whole lot of things about repositories.  And having an
> apache only repository is almost useless; even apache uses non-apache code.
> The current 'daedalus' repository seems to be duplicating what's already
> been done in maven."

Well, Maven doesn't seem to be that concerned with duplication, and values 
the competition :-) To paraphrase Jason - what's wrong with multiple 
competing repositories ? A smart tool should be able to support multiple
policies - or choose to restrict the users to a particular set.

To take one example - the jar naming - I understand very well that Maven 
people decided on this thing. And I understand that a lot of people 
consider this a good decision - and a lot of other people don't. If this 
becomes an apache-wide policy, I strongly disagree that Maven can decide 
for apache policies. 

In other words - as long as maven decisions affect only maven - I don't 
care. But if it affects other projects, and the repository certainly does 
- then the PMCs of those projects or the apache community are the ones 
that decide.

> > Licensing policy is quite tricky and lots of things need to be done
> > before the ASF should even consider setting up a centralized easily
> > user-accessible distribution [of third party jars]
> But that's the whole point, Leo.  :-)  Given the confusion and effort
> related to the approved use of third party jars, I see that as a primary
> benefit of the repository, not even a secondary one.  Especially from the
> standpoint of the Board (and projects) being able to verify that all third
> party jars have clean license.  I'm not sure if you have any idea of how
> many hours and hours Dion has invested in going through the Maven
> repository, and its licensing.

+1 - with the same mention that multiple repositories should be supported
by the tools, and apache should contain only apache software and what 
is fully redistributable ( and aproved by the board ).

> By using the repository as the authoritative statement of what is
> acceptable, projects have both a known authority and a known procedure for
> securing approval to use another jar.  This provides further protection to


> And those would be the guiding principles used by the repository oversight
> committee to approve new contents.  By centralizing it, if there are any

+1 on the oversight committee for non-apache jars. 
A strong -1 on oversight for apache jars. We already have PMCs for each 
project, and those should oversee the distribution of their own files.


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