+10000 We need to document this :)

-- dims

On 1/1/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/20/05, Jean T. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think potentially *anything* could feed a troll, so then the goal is
> > how to minimize troll effects on the community. I really like Mark's
> > Gandhi approach for setting FUD straight, and I think the humor of your
> > approach definitely merits a place in the anti-troll arsenal.
> >
> >   -jean
> Gandhi said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world,"
> which, I think, is excellent advice for anyone working in open source,
> especially when dealing with trolls.
> Once I determine a poster is a troll, I never, ever feed the troll.
> Usually, I filter the posts directly to the trash. Back in the BBS
> days, we called this a "twit list".
> If I do see a flame, I go back to the original poster and respond in a
> helpful way, but without quoting the flame. I do what should have been
> done in the first place: I "be the change".
> If there's misinformation in a flame that needs to be corrected, I
> look for another way to reply without quoting the misinformation.
> Sometimes that can be done by responding to someone else in the
> thread. Other times, I will start a new thread to state the correct
> information but without quoting the misinformation. Again: Be the
> change, and don't feed the trolls.
> I avoid answering questions about a project off list. If someone can't
> or won't post to the list, and it's a question I want to answer, I'll
> post the question and answer to the list myself, but not to one person
> alone.
> If someone sends me a question that they should ask on the list, I
> always reply: "The best place to post a question like this is the User
> list, where there are more people to help an the answers are archived.
> [Link to the mailing list page.]"
> If someone asks me about a troll, I suggest that they do what I do:
> Filter the twit to the trash. If that someone then posts to the list,
> I make sure they recieve a helpful response.
> When a new committer joins one of my projects, and we've had trouble
> with trolls, I send them this note:
> ----
> From time to time, all public mailing lists have trouble with trolls
> -- people who delight in complaining for the sake of complaining. And,
> of course Apache mailing lists are no exception.
> Trolls have been discussed at length on internal lists, and in the
> end, we are left with the Apache maxim:
> * Don't feed the trolls.
> We do try listening and we do try reasoning, and when that doesn't
> work we are left with shunning.
> It doesn't always make the trolls go away, but it does tend to quiet
> them. Replying only makes it worse, not only because trolls don't
> listen or reason (they only complain), but because it steals time from
> productive work. Time we waste replying to trolls can't be spent
> applying patches or replying to earnest users.
> Of course, we are all volunteers here, and we are free to act
> according to our own lights, but it my experience, starving trolls
> does work -- at least as well as anything else does.
> ----
> In one case, a troll from one project started to post to another. I
> was able to warn the other PMC right away. None of the commtters fell
> for the troll-bait, and the troll went away.
> Happy New Year!
> -Ted.
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